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DIY: Cottage Windows

I really wanted the look of old cottage/caslte renaissance windows without having to replace and buy new ones. Thinking on it for a few days, i came up with a cheap and quick idea.

Being in this farm house, I’ve learned so much about old houses, the fads, the upkeep. In my parents upstairs, we have these small windows. They are small because on the outside, the porch roof pitch comes up so far that the window is high up on the wall. The top roof cuts the corners of the inner ceilings (which is the usual for a lot of old farm houses) and produces overhang on the exterior of the house, creating very little room for a window.

Not very great for letting in natural light but very cute and perfect for creating the look of leaded windows.

What you need:

Self adhesive lead strip


I dont have any info on different brands of adhesive leading because i just bought the first one i saw. Lucky for me, the one i chose worked great! I recommend. You can get the same leading i used by clicking here.

Here's the before!

This leading comes in a 33ft roll. I was able to get twice as much out of it by cutting the leading in half using just scissors. It cuts pretty easy. The difficult part was keeping it straight because once its bent, its hard to straighten the pieces out again. As you cut it, it starts to curl so keep that in mind if you are trying out this project. I ended up throwing some pieces away because i bent them up too much. I also had to throw some away because i cut them the wrong lengths. Trial and error!

I chose a diamond pattern because it seemed the easiest, just lining up with the corners. I didnt do any measuring or proper centering because I’m ok at eyeballing straight lines. If you arent, i suggest you get a measuring tape and a straight edge triangle. There are two more windows this style in this house, I might try some other patterns on those later...

Thanks so much for reading, everyone! Your support means so much and i hope sharing my projects inspire you to create some beautiful things too!



The  Midnight  Queen

Hi! I'm Jaymie. Intuitive, Cancer Sun, healer, humanitarian, and forever a student to what nature can teach.



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